STEM+C PI Summit

Session Details

Making Meaning

Friday, Sept 20 9:30-11:00
Room Session
Edison Ballroom Making Meaning of What We Have Learned - Town Hall:
This session will give back to the STEM+C community a synthesis of what STEM+C has learned and reflections on project work. It is designed to capture a sense of the community’s accomplishments, insights, and future visions, reflecting back to the community what the community has produced. The session will open with a high level review of Evidence Sharing from Day 1 and brief recounting of what was discussed throughout the Summit. Four “synthesizers” will share their synthesized findings after carefully listening to the communities accounting of accomplishments and challenges. In individual table discussions community members will share their own reflections and take-aways. The session will culminate with a Town Hall during which PIs will add to the reflections identifying their own insights and what has been missed. Program Officers will share their thoughts, together with the STEM+C community making meaning of what has been learned.